Резултати от XIV-та Специализирана изложба на БГРК
Номер | Име на кучето / Dog’s name | Оценка / Rate | Място / Place | Титли / Titles |
Мъжки / Male |
Бебе / Baby |
1 | Famous Darren By Goldmell | Very promising | 2 | |
2 | Famous Samson By Goldmell | Very promising | 1 | Best Baby Male |
Подрастващи / Puppy |
3 | Goldenicious A La Greco Phoebe | Absent | | |
Млади / Junior |
4 | Piece of Gold Bon Jovi’s Runaway | Excellent | 1 | Best Junior Male |
Междинен / Intermediate |
5 | Flying Souser From Goldengraf | Excellent | 1 | RCAC |
Открит / Open |
6 | Amazing Dragon from Crème Caramel | Excellent | | |
7 | Buffalo from Goldengraf | Absent | | |
8 | Casanova From Goldengraf | Excellent | 3 | |
9 | Charm Step Marlon Brando | Very good | | |
10 | JCH Wind Lovin’ Junior Mint | Excellent | | |
11 | Lorindely Born Romantic | Very good | |
12 | Piece Of Gold Roxette’s Dream On | Very good | | |
13 | Piece Of Gold Roxette`S Dangerous | Excellent | 2 | |
14 | Piece Of Gold Smokie’s Back To Bradford | Excellent | 1 | CAC/Best Male | BOB |
Шампиони / Champions |
15 | Borat from Goldengraf | Good | | |
16 | Ch. Demetrius Flores Vitae | Excellent | | |
17 | Piece of Gold Abba ‘s Eagle | Excellent | 3 | |
18 | Piece Of Gold Abba’s Honey Honey | Excellent | 2 | |
19 | Piece Of Gold Abba’s I Have A Dream | Excellent | 1 | |
20 | Reflexions of Gold Always on my mind | Excellent | | |
Работен / Working |
21 | Koek De Vallserrat | Absent | | |
Ветерани / Veterans |
22 | C.I.E & C.I.B Meerik Of Wolf Point | Excellent | 1 | |
23 | Dewmist Glitterato | Absent | | |
Номер | Име на кучето / Dog’s name | Оценка / Rate | Място / Place | Титли / Titles |
Женски / Female |
Бебе / Baby |
24 | Mon Moriani Reflexions | Very promising | 1 | Best Baby Female | BOB Baby |
Подрастващи / Puppy |
25 | Forever True Love of Blackseagold | Promising | | |
26 | Forever Yours of Blackseagold | Very promising | 1 | Best Puppy | BOB Puppy |
Млади / Junior |
27 | Beatles Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds Of Golden Skyfalls | Absent | | |
28 | Flower Of Life | Very Good | | |
29 | N’Eva Du Sarmizegetusa Regia | Excellent | 2 | |
30 | Piece Of Gold Europe’s Got To Have Faith | Excellent | 3 | |
31 | Piece of Gold Europe’s New Love In Town – Freya | Absent | | |
32 | Piece Of Gold Europe’s Rock The Night | Very good | |
33 | Soul Simphony Gabriella | Absent | | |
34 | Sunnyfield’s Never Give Up | Excellent | 1 | Best Junior Female | BOB Junior |
Междинен / Intermediate |
35 | Fairy Tale Iz Stolitsy Urala | Excellent | 2 | |
36 | Future from Goldengraf | Excellent | 1 | CAC |
37 | Verdinal Secret Dream | Absent | | |
Открит / Open |
38 | Charm Step Mila Kunis | Excellent | | |
39 | Charm Step Salt of the Earth | Very Good | | |
40 | Charm Step Silverbell | Very Good | | |
41 | Cinderella BlackSeaGold | Excellent | 3 | |
42 | Divine Niya By Goldmell | Very good | | |
43 | Flora from Goldengraf | Very good | 1 | |
44 | Piece Of Gold Queen’s Made In Heaven | Very good | | |
45 | Piece Of Gold Queen’s The Miracle | Excellent | | |
46 | Piece Of Gold Smokie’s It’s Your Life | Excellent | 2 | |
47 | Piece of Gold Smokie’s Wild wild Angels Chara | Excellent | | |
Шампиони / Champions |
48 | Colorful Rainbow Amax | Absent | | |
49 | Love Story of Clear Passion | Excellent | 2 | |
50 | Piece Of Gold Abba’s Angeleyes | Excellent | 1 | RCAC |
Ветерани / Veterans |
51 | BG CH Copabyss A Elizabeth | Excellent | 2 | |
52 | Ch. Lorindely Artemida Kenigy | Excellent | 1 | BOS | BOB Veteran |